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Written by  Published in Poetry - ግጥሞች Tuesday, 20 January 2015 00:00

እሹሩሩ ሥጋ - ታዘል በጀርባዬ

አንተን ተሸክሜ

ብትቆስልም ነፍሴ-ቢዝልም መንፈሴ

እሹሩሩ ሥጋ - ታዘል በጀርባዬ

ሲከፋህ አልወድም

ፅድቄም ቢወላገድ-ቢገታ እርምጃዬ

የነፍሴ ቅኔዋ-እንደዚህ ሆኖባት

ጠላትዋን ባንቀልባ - እሹሩሩ ማለት

ታማ ተገኝታለች

እየሰሩ ማፍረስ- ከሰልፍ አስፈግፍጓት

Read 10202 times Last modified on Tuesday, 20 January 2015 11:04
Hermela Solomon

Hermela Solomon is passionate about God and the Arts. She has written  continuous articles on Addis Admas, worked at Whiz Kids Workshop (tsehay memar twedalech) and contributed 3 books as part of the package to encourage Early Graders reading.

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