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Who is in control?

Written by  Tuesday, 06 May 2014 00:00

'The lot is cast into the lap, but it's every decision is from the Lord.' Prov 16:37 is one of my favorite verse since I started reading the Bible almost a decade back to this day. Since I am not good at decision making,  I often used to cast lots to help me make up my mind, yes even decisions like which job opportunity to take, which.....fill the gap, almost anything; I know it is a crazy thing to do! But...


Going back to this verse, in modern language, John Piper refers to it as 'The dice rolled on the table, and every play is decided by God.' I sometimes play poker with colleagues, and it is interesting for me think those chips are in God's control, let alone every role of dice in Las Vegas. God is all knowing, omnipotent and even if it is not his will, even if it is not from him, there is nothing that does not rule for his purpose. 


'Are not 2 sparrows sold for a penny? Jesus said, 'And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your fathers. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.' Matt 10:29-30


While reading this, please do me a favor and run your fingers through your hair, can you imagine, God knows you that detailed!! If you are bold, my Pastor used to say, 'God knows your hair count is a number.' 


Can you look out the window, and if you are outdoor just look up; Can you imagine, God knows every time a bird crashes to your window and falls dead or falls dead in thousand forests. 


In the book of Jonah, God commands a fish to swallow and later to spit out Jonah; He commands a plant to grow 4:6 and he commands a worm to kill it 4:7


The 1 sextillion ( 21 zeros) stars in the universe take their place at God's command and he calls each by name. Issiah 40:26 


Anything, absolutely anything that happens in this world, including whatsoever is occupying your mind right now, is under God's good purpose and control. It is hard to believe but I know it is true not because it is logical at all but because I have seen it in my life. 


God is detailed into whatever is happening in the world or in your life, though it often doesn't make sense he cares and he is always in control!!

Read 4664 times Last modified on Tuesday, 06 May 2014 07:40
Genaye Eshetu

Genaye Eshetu was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She did her Bachelors degree in Foreign Language and Literature and her Masters in Journalism and Communication. She is currently working as a communication specialist in non profit international organization. Genaye is passionalte about using various forms of media for evangelism and also works in this area with a team under the name Redeemedia.

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