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Genaye Eshetu

Genaye Eshetu

Genaye Eshetu was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She did her Bachelors degree in Foreign Language and Literature and her Masters in Journalism and Communication. She is currently working as a communication specialist in non profit international organization. Genaye is passionalte about using various forms of media for evangelism and also works in this area with a team under the name Redeemedia.

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Who is in control?

Published in Opinions
Tuesday, 06 May 2014 00:00
'The lot is cast into the lap, but it's every decision is from the Lord.' Prov 16:37 is one of my favorite verse since I started reading the Bible almost a decade back to this day. Since I am not good at decision making,  I often used to cast lots to help me make up my mind, yes even decisions like which job opportunity to take, which.....fill the ...

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Semayawi Thought is an online magazine published in Amharic and English, focused on contents to spiritual and personal growth.