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In a purposeful journey, bumpy roads aren't dangers, but speed breaks.

Written by  Tuesday, 29 July 2014 00:00
In a purposeful journey, bumpy roads aren't dangers, but speed breaks. image credit:

As the flight to Bahir Dar was about to take off on Saturday, the captain spoke into the microphone apologetically: "One of the hydraulic pumps had stopped. We will fix the problem and resume our flight." As we waited for an hour or so in the plane all sorts of thoughts bounced on my mind. With my daughters sitting by me, I toyed with negative constructions on the circumstantial imaginative ride. But it dawned on me right away that God's "plans" with "hope and a future" (Jer 29:11) are far more enduring than my concerns. No problem can go bigger or higher than God's intention for us. In a purposeful journey, bumpy roads aren't dangers, but speed breaks.

Read 15730 times Last modified on Tuesday, 29 July 2014 10:36

Nahusenay Afework is a freelance writer and communications consultant. His study at Addis Ababa University earned him MA in Literature. He takes pleasure in writing and consulting people. He is also involved in church ministry in the domain of teaching.

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