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Job knew it long ago

Written by  Thursday, 21 January 2016 09:40
Job knew it long ago

There are exceptionally beautiful cemeteries here in and around Boston, well kept and maintained, where people go in and visit - just like some historic places. And they are historic places, indeed. They take you one, two or three centuries back and make you visualize the people who lived, worked hard, got married, had children, tried hard to make ends meet, fought wars, and finally headed to the grave leaving legacy of some sort, and others nothing. They are so many of them. Most are family groups.

Many times I have thought how many the people who ever lived on earth would count.

I have been studying the Book of Job these days as I came across this verse which always strikes me in a special way.


መጽሐፈ ኢዮብ። - ምዕራፍ 21   32፤ እርሱን ግን ወደ መቃብር ይሸከሙታል፥ ሰዎቹም በመቃብሩ ላይ ይጠብቃሉ። 33፤ የሸለቆው ጓል ይጣፍጥለታል፤ በኋላውም ሰው ሁሉ ይሳባል፥ በፊቱም ቍጥር የሌለው ጉባኤ አለ


Now this morning I also got the above picture which illustrates those verses beautifully. 

Everybody who has lived and died on Earth and the number of people who are alive today. 


Where is our position in all this. Let's try to see outside of the microscopic view about our daily busy lives and try to see from the eternal perspective. Before that day when we will be transferred from the living to the "lived". The bible is the only road map God gave humans to see the "eternal" from this temporal life, which we have no idea when it cuts short. And I would paraphrase the "Bible" as "Jesus is the only way to reach God". I have read it and that is what it says. Read it and that is what you will find. Take action now. Get right with God by accepting the only savior God sent us and secure eternal life.

Read 3641 times Last modified on Friday, 22 January 2016 07:31
Abraham Behailu

Grateful to have been gifted the most beautiful woman (no kidding) as a wife, and three energetic boys as children, not to mention the eternal life Jesus gave me. Software engineer by profession, burdened for families and the challenges they are passing through as they struggle to live the godly life they are called to. Thus moderating

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