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Getayawkal and Biruktawit have been serving the Lord for more than 30 years in Ethiopia…
አንድ ሲውድን ውስጥ የሚገኝ መስሪያቤት ለሰራተኞቹ በእጃቸው ውስጥ ማይክሮቺፕ እንዲቀበር አደረገ። ይህ ቺፕ የ radio…
Who is Jesus? To say that He's most famous person in the world is an…
የቫላንታይን ውይም የፍቅረኞችንን ቀን ምክንያት በማድረግ የቀረበ ልዩ የጌታያውቃልና ብሩክታዊት ፕሮግራም። 

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Semayawi Thought is an online magazine published in Amharic and English, focused on contents to spiritual and personal growth.