You are here: HomeYouth CornerNahu's CornerGod began His collection through His Son

God began His collection through His Son

Written by  Monday, 20 July 2015 07:18

Stamp collection was my passion when I was a minor. My great grandmother's solid box with plenty of envelopes was a treasure for the hobby. Finding stamps of any sort, especially those that bear the images of Ethiopian kings, was exciting & fulfilling. A passion long gone, with its memory still fresh. Today they are a rare look as kings ebb & we correspond electronically.

They say we're God's image stamped in earth. This is evidenced in the Bible: "The Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" (Ge 2:7). Earlier God proposed that we would be made after His own "image" & "likeness". So man is God's stamp lost in correspondence. But God didn't give up. He began His collection through His Son, Jesus.

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Nahusenay Afework is a freelance writer and communications consultant. His study at Addis Ababa University earned him MA in Literature. He takes pleasure in writing and consulting people. He is also involved in church ministry in the domain of teaching.

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