You are here: HomeTheologyNahu's CornerDo not worry about tomorrow

Do not worry about tomorrow

Written by  Monday, 15 September 2014 00:00

I just read an Amharic sticker on a vehicle, “Do not worry for four days for a life that lasts only three days.” There could be hyperbole (overstatement) in the expression; but the grain of truth is obvious. If we make constant inventory of life, we have a load of reasons to be anxious about. The days pass worrisomely that calm living is eroded by the day. We worry a lot; so our present time looks wrinkled, devoid of smoothness & beauty. Jesus asked, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” (Mt 6:27). If worrying has an effect, it is downward. It only shortens life. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow.” Instead occupy yourself with the “care” of the Father. 

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Nahusenay Afework is a freelance writer and communications consultant. His study at Addis Ababa University earned him MA in Literature. He takes pleasure in writing and consulting people. He is also involved in church ministry in the domain of teaching.

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