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“Tooth for Tooth”

Written by  Thursday, 26 June 2014 00:00
“Tooth for Tooth” Photo: GETTY IMAGES

“Tooth for tooth,” was the verdict in the Old Testament. Legislatures have since then tailored laws to fit them better to society. It won’t be “bite for bite” then for the ill-fated Luis Suarez of Uruguay who sank his teeth in the shoulder of the Italian Chiellini at the World Cup. (Surprisingly, they had a near bite & fight incident a year ago.) In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reworked the law far better: “You have heard that it was said, ‘…tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you….If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also” (Mt 5:38-39). This is a ‘team talk’ from the Great Coach. True ‘players’ listen to their coach. Sweet or sour, win the battle for Jesus. NA, in Christ.

Read 64049 times Last modified on Thursday, 26 June 2014 12:43

Nahusenay Afework is a freelance writer and communications consultant. His study at Addis Ababa University earned him MA in Literature. He takes pleasure in writing and consulting people. He is also involved in church ministry in the domain of teaching.

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