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    I am Abinet Ababu a disciple, a husband and a father of two. A graduate of for Evangelical Theological college (ETC) in Bible Translation and Literacy. A student at at Africa Nazarene University (Nairobi, Kenya). A Bible school teacher, speaker and writer. An Interpreter by trade (to Amharic,English to Ormiffa -pending).


    I am Abinet Ababu a disciple, a husband and a father of two. A graduate of for Evangelical Theological college (ETC) in Bible Translation and Literacy. A student at at Africa Nazarene University (Nairobi, Kenya). A Bible school teacher, speaker and writer. An Interpreter by trade (to Amharic,English to Ormiffa -pending).


    I am Abinet Ababu a disciple, a husband and a father of two. A graduate of for Evangelical Theological college (ETC) in Bible Translation and Literacy. A student at at Africa Nazarene University (Nairobi, Kenya). A Bible school teacher, speaker and writer. An Interpreter by trade (to Amharic,English to Ormiffa -pending).

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


    I am Abinet Ababu a disciple, a husband and a father of two. A graduate of for Evangelical Theological college (ETC) in Bible Translation and Literacy. A student at at Africa Nazarene University (Nairobi, Kenya). A Bible school teacher, speaker and writer. An Interpreter by trade (to Amharic,English to Ormiffa -pending).

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


    I am Abinet Ababu a disciple, a husband and a father of two. A graduate of for Evangelical Theological college (ETC) in Bible Translation and Literacy. A student at at Africa Nazarene University (Nairobi, Kenya). A Bible school teacher, speaker and writer. An Interpreter by trade (to Amharic,English to Ormiffa -pending).

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


    I am Abinet Ababu a disciple, a husband and a father of two. A graduate of for Evangelical Theological college (ETC) in Bible Translation and Literacy. A student at at Africa Nazarene University (Nairobi, Kenya). A Bible school teacher, speaker and writer. An Interpreter by trade (to Amharic,English to Ormiffa -pending).

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    ከሁለት ደርዘን ዓመታት በፊት በእግዚአብሔር ቸርነት በተሐድሶ የወንጌል አገልግሎት ውስጥ የዳግም ልደት ብርሃንን ያየው ሰሎሞን አበበ መጋቤ ወንጌል ሲኾን በኢቫንጀሊካል ቲዎሎጂካል ኮሌጅ  (ETC) እና በኢትዮጵያ ድኅረ ምረቃ ነገረ መለኮት ት/ቤት (EGST) የቅዱሳት መጻሕፍት መምህር ነው፤ በየአብያተ ክርስቲያናቱ ምስባኮች በመስበክም ይታወቃል። ሰሎሞን ባለትዳርና የሁለት ሴቶች ልጆች አባት ነው።


    I am Abinet Ababu a disciple, a husband and a father of two. A graduate of for Evangelical Theological college (ETC) in Bible Translation and Literacy. A student at at Africa Nazarene University (Nairobi, Kenya). A Bible school teacher, speaker and writer. An Interpreter by trade (to Amharic,English to Ormiffa -pending).

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    ከሁለት ደርዘን ዓመታት በፊት በእግዚአብሔር ቸርነት በተሐድሶ የወንጌል አገልግሎት ውስጥ የዳግም ልደት ብርሃንን ያየው ሰሎሞን አበበ መጋቤ ወንጌል ሲኾን በኢቫንጀሊካል ቲዎሎጂካል ኮሌጅ  (ETC) እና በኢትዮጵያ ድኅረ ምረቃ ነገረ መለኮት ት/ቤት (EGST) የቅዱሳት መጻሕፍት መምህር ነው፤ በየአብያተ ክርስቲያናቱ ምስባኮች በመስበክም ይታወቃል። ሰሎሞን ባለትዳርና የሁለት ሴቶች ልጆች አባት ነው።

    Married for 17 years with one man, have three kids; living in Maryland, USA; starting January 2014, I gave my full time to the ministry God has given me (Appeal for Purity); I teach in the area of sexual purity/immorality for singles and married couples at different places, in Amharic and English; I teach about sexual intimacy for married couples; I am one of the family ministry leaders in my church of 19 years (International Ethiopian Evangelical Church in DC); I'm licensed pharmacist in the state of Maryland since 2007 but currently I'm focusing on more counseling, writing and publishing CDs and DVDs in the area of my focus, which is sexual purity/immorality. My book, Beyond the Fairytale, will soon be on the market (Jan. 2015). - See more at:

    Evangelist Yared Tilahun is known for his spiritual teachings, served the Lord for many years in Ethiopia and all over world. Thereafter, to reveal the grace the Lord provided him for the body of Christ in the areas of teaching to all Ethiopian churches, he established Golden Oil Ministries.


    I am Abinet Ababu a disciple, a husband and a father of two. A graduate of for Evangelical Theological college (ETC) in Bible Translation and Literacy. A student at at Africa Nazarene University (Nairobi, Kenya). A Bible school teacher, speaker and writer. An Interpreter by trade (to Amharic,English to Ormiffa -pending).

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Mamusha Fenta is a Bible expositor and conference speaker residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    ከሁለት ደርዘን ዓመታት በፊት በእግዚአብሔር ቸርነት በተሐድሶ የወንጌል አገልግሎት ውስጥ የዳግም ልደት ብርሃንን ያየው ሰሎሞን አበበ መጋቤ ወንጌል ሲኾን በኢቫንጀሊካል ቲዎሎጂካል ኮሌጅ  (ETC) እና በኢትዮጵያ ድኅረ ምረቃ ነገረ መለኮት ት/ቤት (EGST) የቅዱሳት መጻሕፍት መምህር ነው፤ በየአብያተ ክርስቲያናቱ ምስባኮች በመስበክም ይታወቃል። ሰሎሞን ባለትዳርና የሁለት ሴቶች ልጆች አባት ነው።

    Married for 17 years with one man, have three kids; living in Maryland, USA; starting January 2014, I gave my full time to the ministry God has given me (Appeal for Purity); I teach in the area of sexual purity/immorality for singles and married couples at different places, in Amharic and English; I teach about sexual intimacy for married couples; I am one of the family ministry leaders in my church of 19 years (International Ethiopian Evangelical Church in DC); I'm licensed pharmacist in the state of Maryland since 2007 but currently I'm focusing on more counseling, writing and publishing CDs and DVDs in the area of my focus, which is sexual purity/immorality. My book, Beyond the Fairytale, will soon be on the market (Jan. 2015). - See more at:

    Evangelist Yared Tilahun is known for his spiritual teachings, served the Lord for many years in Ethiopia and all over world. Thereafter, to reveal the grace the Lord provided him for the body of Christ in the areas of teaching to all Ethiopian churches, he established Golden Oil Ministries.


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Semayawi Thought is an online magazine published in Amharic and English, focused on contents to spiritual and personal growth.